ESP32 - IoT Tutorials

Embedded Systems development - low hassle

In 2011, It was around 3 am on February 12, when I was fine-tuning delays to control the spinning of motors to control the direction of our line follower robot. The competition was the day after tomorrow.

It was so frustrating working longer hours to figure it out, we were testing and updating the code and this the the process was cyclic.

At the time of competition our confidence was very low because our code was a bunch of if-else statements having arbitrary delays to control motors.

At present, after ten years, I have got skills to develop high quality embedded systems applications. Honestly, many times I thought about switching my career as I found so much struggle working on embedded systems.

Embedded systems are a mixture of two major fields hardware and software. These two domains have further different verticals, so you might not need to be an expert in all but you should at least have sufficient knowledge about all of them to develop a quality product.

In this blog series, I will share my experience with readers. I will provide hands-on practical with videos to walk you through problems with their solutions.

As the title says, my dedication will be to make it a low hassle for newcomers and/or readers.

If this sounds interesting and you are on board, please give me some feedback with comments, this will help me to make decisions to move forward to work on this content creation plan.

This is my first blog, and I am interested in developing a series of tutorials.

Looking forward to hearing back from you.